So we got our taxes done and e-filed the federal and mailed the state, 45 cents not 19.99 thank you very much. That was the busiest that I have ever seen the Hooper post office. Yeah good for them.
I was able to finish Clark's hat while I watched the coverage of the bombing of the Boston Marathon, was able to get ahold of friends in the area and others that run marathons and they were all OK.
His hat is fun. Red and black for the Ute games. It is a bit big but he should just grow out his hair oh yeah that won't happen. :)
I love the fact that the hat has a hem on the interior it covers up the extra strings and it also made a really cute edge with the yarn over. The snowflake chart wasn't that hard to follow. i did have to adjust my needle size since I used a much larger yarn than called for. I was able to do the swatch and then figure out the math.
Thank you HATS On.
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4 weeks ago
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