Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Goodreads review

Confessions of a Latter-day Virgin: A MemoirConfessions of a Latter-day Virgin: A Memoir by Nicole Hardy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Confessions of a Latter-day Virgin: A Memoir
I have just finished reading this interesting, thought provoking, memoir.  There are so many people that I think need and should read this book.  But will they? They would realize that they are not alone and they are not struggling with something no one else understands.  It is a memoir in one woman’s life but it crosses so many lines that you can make it work for your story, but it is hers, and it is beautiful and heart warming.  Thank you Nicole for writing something so close to the heart.  It is out there and now everyone knows why you do what you do and made the decisions that you did.  I am proud of this writing and can’t wait to read what else you have.

View all my reviews

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